Thursday, October 18, 2012

Talk About Life, Again

I have been thinking about the worth of life again. Everyday I woke up early to go to work, and going back home late. In between I perform my SOLAT, as usual. Still, I kept on thinking the purpose. It is safe to say for a person like me, to view this life as lifeless. Being only to live to work and eat and pray all the time. Zero entertainment, zero fun in life. So, whats is the whole point of ... People always remind each other to live life to the fullest, to feel life and having as much appreciation and joy with life while it still last, but what about the after life. I am not saying that abandoning the whole human concept of living life while you can and still alive. Well, I am probably a living yet dead life live-er. Clueless of the purpose of life yet knowing the need of life to perform spiritual activity to gain pass for the after life. Just think about it, everything you have done, work, joy, feel, etc, are ALL in the past that are only remain as bits of memories. Have it occur to you the waste of not only time but also lost of life. We, human, are actually a waster of life that has been bless to use by GOD. Regardless of who you are, the fact are still intact to be remain that human will always be a waster of life. It is getting longer and wasting the time that I need to have rest. Until next time, citizen of those who I appreciated for reading this post. Best Regards, Taufik

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Complaining about life with mess up Brain

I am not complaining about life. Its just that my mind are all mess up. Or so I think it is. ALL the time I have been thinking about what is the purpose of me walking on this EARTH. I am a nobody. I have none. I am THANKFUL TO GOD that for all the gift that has been given to me. But as human, I am limited to my need to obtain security and safety of me and also those that are related to me. As living requires the need to eat, and food requires money, which lead to work for the benefit of surviving. I don't know what to speak off about cause my brain is currently mess up. So much to talk about while thinking and typing but as it flows, it goes into millions of path. Clueless and meaningless with variety of messages lead to haziness of purpose of my word. Well, until my next post. Thank you for reading my mess up Brain.

Living and Surviving Life

This questions has come again to my mind. I can't get it out yet making me to blog about it. What is the purpose of living and suffering and struggle to survive. Sooner or later we will all go back to Allah S.W.T. All the luxury and life we once had will be left behind and taken away from us. Even our memory, as it comes with the function of our body. Whats left of us are souls that will be once again awaken the be questioned. So, what... Hmm... I don't know. Sometimes I am just probably tired to keep on going to survive. But more or less, the times has not yet come to us, survivor of this short life, short world. Well, this is getting too deep to be bare. I know, you people out there, if you are reading this, probably thinking that this crap does not mean anything to you, and that I should LIVE my life to the fullest. Well, have you thought about the purpose of life? Think, why does GOD made us to walk on this Earth, with the instinct of survival? Anyway, I guess this is it. Next post would probably be the same, to nag about life. BUT hey, hmm... never mind. Its probably just that if you are reading this, something must be wrong. HOPE that all goes well to you. thank you.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Sunday, September 30, 2012

What is LIFE?

I have been asking myself. What is Life? We are living and getting old day by day. What is the purpose of life? Sooner or later there will always be death. Why even bother to live anyway? What is the purpose of life? I know that life is about making the good deed in order to have the place of heaven in the after life. But what is actually the purpose of living when you know that you know that eventually your life will end. I just can't seem to see the big picture of life. People died and child are born everyday as time goes by. But... What is the purpose of life? This question is a LOOP in my head for quite sometime now. I know the answer quite clearly but it just doesn't seem to be made quite adaptable in my mind and logic. I know it is wrong to questioned the GOD plans. I know. But still, my question still LOOP inside of me, WHAT IS THE PURPOSE OF LIFE? just, what is it...

Saturday, March 3, 2012

New Phone for My Birthday!

Yea, today I bought a Blackberry Bold 5 (9790) for myself. :)

Well my birthday is on the 5 March 1988. So I say to myself, why not, since I wanted a Blackberry, I buy one instead for myself for my own birthday present. :)

I know it may sound a bit sad for oneself to give present to oneself... Talk about a lonely guy, like a meme in with one of the popular meme #forever alone!

Haha. But I don't mind cause I am used to be alone.

Guess that's it for now. I am happy with my own self bought present. :)

To know more about it, visit the Blackberry website:


Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day One on Practical at 8TV

Was waking up late!

Rushing to clean up. The water was so cold.
Put in a good formal attire to go for practical.
Looking good...
Packing up everything last night. Due to late wake up, rushing through everything.
Then riding to a friend's house with 100km/h, only to be waiting him for the next 30 minutes.
After that, rushes and rides for 100km/h to Sri Pentas for practical on first day.
On briefing period, I was the only one forgot my Identification Card photocopy and also Passport size picture. Sigh and bad start of day on that.

Then, finished with that session. Going to the real my practical place, or, department only to find more interior problem of communication. I guess its has been a while since the problem has occur. Anyway, skipping that, the whole day starting from the moment I sat on the chair was, a moment of waiting to go back home. 1st day means nothing to be done. Hoping that it would last until the last day of practical but, it seems impossible. Well that is what practical are for, to make yourself useful for the company.

1st day, ending up going back late for waiting a friend. Well that's about it. I am tired but glad. Well, until tomorrow.


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Pass and Lost

Since the last post, I was busy yet I was again lost.

I lost track of time.

I lost my self.

I does not feels like whom I used to be.

I do not even know and also seems to forgot easily the passing few days and weeks ago.

Well, that is none of anyone concern anyway. We live in the present and the past does not even matter anymore cause it is impossible to turn back time.

Hmm, I guess, that is it. I do not even know what to blog about, since the last post, cause I am simple lost and forgot about almost all the past.

If it is a decease, then I hope that God gave it to me for a purpose. Not as a burden or to bring disaster and making my life miserable.

That's about it for now, I guess, cause tomorrow I will be busy, starting my practical at 8TV. I should be excited about it but seemingly I am not. Probably because it will become the pass sooner or later.

Ok, until next time, blog.


Wednesday, February 15, 2012

1st Art Collaboration

Yesterday, I had done a work art collaborating with a friend of mine, known with artist name as Fensi,

It was fun and also satisfying at the same time. Having him to do the finishing touch of the work art really is amazing! Cause i could not be able to do something like that.

Well, to see the art, you can go to Fensi's blog (stated above) or my art blog,

Well thats it... I am so Happy that I became wordless for this post. :)


Monday, February 13, 2012





BRAND COMMUNICATION DEPARTMENT IS (from is the art of bridging the gap between our target audiences and the organisation (or product or service) we are promoting. It is the ethereal connection between the physical entity, and the audiences we believe are best suited to its purchase or promotion.



Saturday, February 11, 2012

Watching Live Match [1st Experience]

Today, i watched a soccer/football match between Sarawak against KL Felda. It was thrilling and fun. The crowds' goes wild especially moments' before the ball reaches the goal.

Even myself, shouted throughout the whole game. My 1st experience of watching live games was so much fun, furthermore being accompanied by an old friend of mine, Noor Nikman. His right hand was somehow injured or dislocated but still, he was able to come and watch the game. Moreover, it was him that the reason I was able to watch the game.

Well, in addition to that, the ending was also as fun as the overall match as the final score was 2 (Sarawak Team) against 1 (KL Felda Team). I am glad that the home team won and also glad to have able to enjoy watching a live soccer/football match for the 1st time.


Sunday, February 5, 2012

Cherakah Cycling Day

Yesterday [5/2/2012]
I went to Bukit Cherakah at around 9am...

It was one of the nicest experience in my life of 23 years old.
And, it was since high school I have been cycling in my life.

We [I went there with one of my close friend, Ezad, and his sisters and friend] were cycling for 3 hour and it was a BLAST!

You should come and try it out. The entry fee was only RM3, and the rental for the bicycle depends on the type of bicycle, RM5, RM10, and RM50. Additional payment for RM5 is RM1 per hour, RM10 is RM10 per hour, whereas, RM50 is for 2 hour.

Well, I am wordless when it come to describe the place but you can check it at the link below.

p/s: For more information about the place,

Friday, February 3, 2012

Crosswork [Free Advertise]

You are welcome to check this out.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

CHRONICLE 2012 the movie.

I have just watched this movie. It was supa!(super) awesome. I would recommend everyone to watch it!

copy paste this link for the trailer;

and if you can go watch it at cinemas, please do cause it is much better than watching through DVD or other recordings stuff.

Well, I do admit following few moves and imagining of being able to do stuff that the three were able to do, but hahaha reality and rain checks, it is just impossible.

BUT! It is a good movie, a must watch for me.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


Today, at this moment, I am feeling LOST.

Lost in my own mind.
Confuse with my life.
Mystified with my own love.
Broken of my faith with religion.

I am LOST and the emptiness within me is expanding like a black-hole eating and destroying everything on its path.

But, it is only now, at this moment. I hope this would end soon.


Thursday, January 26, 2012

Pray's in Rain

Today is Jumaat's praying day.

I was late for prayer so I clean myself up as quick as possible.
Then I went to the mosque for every weekly Friday prayer's.

But today, cause I was late, there were so space inside so usually I sit with others outside hearing 'Khutbah' like any other muslimin. The day far rather fine and a bit breezy air.

Well, as the praying starts, on the second half of the 'rakaat', it started to rain. I how it suppose to be, people shattered around looking for shelter, but instead, people did not even budge from their 'saf'. Each and everyone outside was praying while being soaked by the rain.

It was then, in my mind, this is a pleasant yet good feelings. I know that I was not 100% focus on praying due to the rain but still, I was in the 'saf' with others praying till the very end.

It was rather amazing, for me, that everyone stayed in their 'saf' until the prayer's is over. Another one of my good experience to have in my life.


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Always been a Loner

Today i ate alone...

You know what it feels like?

Well, usually its feels like any other normal day of mine, cause i am used to being alone... Cause i admit it, i am kinda like being a solo, loner going type of person.

Call it whatever you want, but sometimes, that is life. Some point in life you would be a all alone without nobody, but in my case, and maybe some, we are always been a loner...

Having not much of a friends to hang out with, doing some happy stuff or what-so-ever that makes yourself feels happy about it...

So, the point is, here, that YOU should know, in life, there are times when you will be alone, and that is actually GOOD.. Cause you know why?

Cause eventually as you grow old, admit it or not, REALITY, is that you will be alone... Even DEATH itself means being alone in that hole, being interrogated by Angels before going to either heaven or hell.

So, believe or not, YOU, and me, will always be a loner, at some point in life, and don't run from it (example like, pills, drug, suicide, etc.) cause, ITS LIFE! You have to deal with it, face it with pride, and it will pass on...

p/s: for some people like me, we deal with it everyday, lucky for us :)

Monday, January 23, 2012

Mahu tetapi Tidak Mahu

Aku sangat mahu menjadi seorang kartunis atau pelukis manga / anime yang comel, cantik, bergaya, gempak, dan segalanya...

Aku terasa amat cemburu melihat hasil karya lukisan yang sangat comel dan hebat...
Tak perlu lihat karya-karya antarabangsa, sekadar melihat karya BEN cukup memberi aku suatu perasaan yang sangat cemburu dan juga keinginan yang teramat besar untuk menghasilkan karya seperti itu.

Namun, aku hanya mampu untuk mahu, tapi tidak mampu untuk memperoleh... sebabnya? bakat.... bakat adalah satu yang aku amat kekurangan, dan juga pengalaman serta, pengajaran atau pendidikan yang berasaskan bukan daripada seni membuatkan aku tidak mampu untuk memiliki semua itu.

Aku boleh berusaha, aku tahu, jika aku berkerja dan belajar dengan tekun dan rajin, aku boleh mempunyai karya sehebat itu... Tapi aku tahu itu hanya mimpi aku sahaja...

Kerana aku tahu akan bakat dan 'limit' aku... Aku MAHU jadi kartunis hebat tapi aku TIDAK MAHU mengharap kerana aku tahu akan batas aku...

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Manusia Mudah Lupa Diri


Aku mengaku aku manusia...

Dan aku selalu lupa diri...

Lupa bahawa diri aku ini, merupakan hanya insan yang hidup sementara dan menunggu mati...

Aku lupa, lupa akan tanggungjawab aku sebab manusia yang perlu berusaha hanya kepada jalan Allah S.W.T...

Aku tahu, tapi selalu aku lupa, akan kewujudan diri aku ini merupakan hanya satu ilusi...

Lupa tapi benar, dunia ini hanya lah untuk sementara dan mereka yang mahu kan dunia semata-mata adalah jahil...

Aku lupa, kerana pada suatu masa nanti, pasti dunia akan MUSNAH tanpa mengira agama, bangsa, usia, dan segalanya...

Aku... Aku...

Aku lupa dan lalai...

Aku hilang cahaya dan petunjuk nya...

Aku mengeluh, tapi nanti aku pasti akan lupa lagi akan semua ini...

Aku lupa akan segala ketaubatan aku...

Aku adalah Manusia yang lupa diri...

Mungkin, NERAKA sudah ada tempat untuk aku...

Tapi, aku tidak akan lupa berDOA untuk memohon doa, keampunan, dan syurga untuk semua SAUDARA Islam...