Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Always been a Loner

Today i ate alone...

You know what it feels like?

Well, usually its feels like any other normal day of mine, cause i am used to being alone... Cause i admit it, i am kinda like being a solo, loner going type of person.

Call it whatever you want, but sometimes, that is life. Some point in life you would be a all alone without nobody, but in my case, and maybe some, we are always been a loner...

Having not much of a friends to hang out with, doing some happy stuff or what-so-ever that makes yourself feels happy about it...

So, the point is, here, that YOU should know, in life, there are times when you will be alone, and that is actually GOOD.. Cause you know why?

Cause eventually as you grow old, admit it or not, REALITY, is that you will be alone... Even DEATH itself means being alone in that hole, being interrogated by Angels before going to either heaven or hell.

So, believe or not, YOU, and me, will always be a loner, at some point in life, and don't run from it (example like, pills, drug, suicide, etc.) cause, ITS LIFE! You have to deal with it, face it with pride, and it will pass on...

p/s: for some people like me, we deal with it everyday, lucky for us :)

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