Sunday, October 14, 2012

Living and Surviving Life

This questions has come again to my mind. I can't get it out yet making me to blog about it. What is the purpose of living and suffering and struggle to survive. Sooner or later we will all go back to Allah S.W.T. All the luxury and life we once had will be left behind and taken away from us. Even our memory, as it comes with the function of our body. Whats left of us are souls that will be once again awaken the be questioned. So, what... Hmm... I don't know. Sometimes I am just probably tired to keep on going to survive. But more or less, the times has not yet come to us, survivor of this short life, short world. Well, this is getting too deep to be bare. I know, you people out there, if you are reading this, probably thinking that this crap does not mean anything to you, and that I should LIVE my life to the fullest. Well, have you thought about the purpose of life? Think, why does GOD made us to walk on this Earth, with the instinct of survival? Anyway, I guess this is it. Next post would probably be the same, to nag about life. BUT hey, hmm... never mind. Its probably just that if you are reading this, something must be wrong. HOPE that all goes well to you. thank you.

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