Thursday, November 10, 2011

I found RM10K (thousand) !

On 9/11/11, I was going out with my sister and her friends to Jusco Bukit Raja at Klang, Selangor. The thing was, my sister found a black/pink wallet on the sidewalk of parking area and she stomp on it, well before one of her friend, pointed the wallet to her. Then immediately I took the wallet to see whether it is empty or otherwise. Honestly speaking, that wallet looks like a typical children wallet but as I looked inside it, the first side was containing a few ringgits and some receipt, but a I looked on the other side of the wallet, I was shock because there is a lot of RM100 and RM50 in there.

Looking at the thickness of the money, I would say that it is more likely worth about RM10,000. As quickly as possible, I closed the wallet and put it in my pocket and tell my sister and her friends about it. They were as shock as I am, obviously... Anyway, so, I have decided to go to the toilet instead of going to the police station or the service counter to look for the owner as the amount of money is too much. NO offence, but I don't really trust people that much when it comes to that amount of money.

So, I was in the restroom, and browsing through the wallet in search for details but unfortunately there was no details of contacts information available inside the wallet. Well at that moment, my intention was almost turn to bad side as I would probably take the money and spend it with my sister and her friends.

Fortunately, I did not do such thing cause I personally believe in karma that things would come around and if I were to be irresponsible, somehow it will comes back to me... Well so, enough about that, I was browsing and all that I can found was plenty of receipt with minimal detail of the owner.

Then I found a receipt by the POPULAR BOOKSTORE and in the receipt there was a detail saying that the owner has a membership card for purchasing items at the bookstore. Without any hesitation (minimal of cause due to a lot of money XD) I go back with my sister and her friends and went into the POPULAR bookstore at ask for the cashier for details about the owner of the receipt by looking to the receipt and the membership card serial number.

Fortunately, she (the cashier) gets the detail and the phone number of the person or the owner of the wallet. I was glad and immediately at the counter, I called the owner, and shockingly, the owner just noticed about her missing wallet. How could someone be so careless with that amount of money... sigh.. anyway, so she came, and I ask detail about the wallet and she perfectly answered it and at that moment, I can see her GLADNESS for having to retrieve back her wallet of RM10K... XD then she walk away, and we also walk out to another shop and continue with out purpose of going to Jusco which is to window shopping ( my sister and her friends of course...).

After few minutes, she (the owner) came back and take us all and buying us lunch at the Jonnys Steamboat ( I think..) and we talk and she show her gratitude and appreciation towards us. We are also glad to be able to help. :) Well the rest of the story is nothing much.... :)

She took our contact and then in the next morning, she SMS us saying words of appreciation... :) THIS IS TRUE STORY... It might sound stupid for giving back RM10K but you never know, in the future, something good might happen or bad might happen but other people would do the same for us... We can never know... :)


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