Sunday, August 29, 2010

Publishing talk... talk talk talk....


En. Uthaya Sankar as moderator.. Nicely done!!

The Four panels present their own field and topic for only 15-20 minutes... WHAT??!! 15-20 minutes??!! You think about it...

Panels (En Aimann Faiz, En Mohd Afif Azman, En Sayed Munawar, En Faiz Al-Shahab)

EMPTY SEATS??!!! Just going for prayer...

Some of the member or staff of the Event management

While singing the National Anthem and also UiTM Song

List of VIP and the Moderator.

Watching Animation Before 'Talk' begins...

Goodies and Lucky Draw


Budak2 MassComm Melaka

Images Images Images... and also a video but i wrongly positioned my phone-camera. But this is all i got...

Publishing Talk, on the 26 August 2010. Those who came, GOOD for you.. Those who did not come(which i knew some of them..), here are some of what you guys missed.

Supposedly, this 'talk' should be about entrepreneurship and career talk, but what i get from this talk? hmm...

Maybe others can get some information but i can only get a few info because some of the panels talk slowly, while other seem too fast to be able to catch up as if they are talking for themselves.

For those who gets the 'talk', good for you guys... There was an advice from Mr Syed, if you want to involve in MARKETING or world of business, a must to read 'Man From Mars, Women from Venus' book.. look for it if you are interested...

For those who did not come for this talk, it is not GOOD for your record, but GREAT for you to be able to do better things than sit around, listening to so called 'talk' and capturing pictures and also FREE magazine, food and drinks for 'berbuka puasa'.

This are the video but not so good quality but just browse for the info...


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