Wednesday, December 29, 2010


-Malaysia Coach K. Rajagopal in light blue shirt


TAHNIAH kepada Squad Malaysia yang telah menjuarai AFF SUZUKI CUP!

Satu sejarah baru tercipta pada 29/12/2010 memberi semangat baru pada tahun akan datang, 2011!

Ternyata kemenangan berbelah kepada pihak Malaysia apabila Malaysia menang 3 - 0 bertarung dengan Indonesia dalam AFF SUZUKI CUP..

Walaupun pacaran laser yang dikatakan menjadi punca kemenangan Malaysia namun itu hanya satu alasan untuk tidak menerima kenyataan.

Seluruh kedai di Section 7, Shah Alam yang menyiarkan siaran langsung perlawanan akhir AFF SUZUKI CUP dipenuhi penyokong Squad Malaysia yang walaupun tidak dapat hadir ke Indonesia namun tetap memberi sokongan dan semangat yang rancak dan lantang.
(sebagai gambaran lihat link ini, )

Kemasukan Squad Malaysia dengan menggunakan kereta kebal terserlah menunjukkan sebab mengapa tiada rakyat Malaysia yang mementingkan keharmonian hadir di stadium tersebut. Tidak lah seperti ketika perlawanan di Malaysia yang bukan sahaja membenarkan penyokong Indonesia untuk datang menyokong malah ada yang mewujudkan insiden LASER daripada kedua-dua pihak(khabar angin) yang langsung tidak mengancam keselamatan...

Namun, kekalahan Malaysia dengan satu berbalas dua oleh Indonesia tidak menjejaskan kepastian bahawa Malaysia telah pun menjuarai AFF SUZUKI CUP.

TAHNIAH kepada Squad MALAYSIA dan juga JUTAAN terima kasih kepada Coach Squad Malaysia, K. RAJAGOPAL yang menrealisasikan kemenangan MALAYSIA serta tidak lupa kepada semua penyokong MALAYSIA.



Saturday, December 25, 2010

Are you GAMERs?

Are you a gamer? If you are and you have a NOKIA 5300 handphone, try beating my hp for its 400+ games of only 1GB memory card.. haha.. beat that! Gamers...

One way of having such games in your handphone is through downloading it freely at

Other phone are also available... but be aware that not all software are safe... so if you are a gamer, you should know and BEAT my record...


Have you watch - Gulliver's Travels ,2010

One of the most funniest movie I have ever seen yet in my life...
For those who have not yet watch this movie, go out buy your ticket now or you can also buy DVD "do buy original, ok? " because believe me when I say the it is a MUST WATCH movie of 2010...

The star and also a funniest guy in this movie is Jack Black as Lemuel Gulliver which also later I think will be the MUST WATCH movie of 2011 which is KUNGFU PANDA 2...

I can't wait for KUNGFU PANDA 2 to be out...

Anyway, back to Gulliver's Travels, the storyline of this movie are,

Lemuel Gulliver is a mailroom clerk at a New York newspaper. After Gulliver bluffs his way into an assignment writing about the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle, he is hurtled to an undiscovered land, Lilliput. In this fantastical new world, Gulliver is a bigger-than-life figure -- in size and ego -- especially after he starts telling tall tales, taking credit for his world's greatest inventions, and placing himself at the center of its most historic events. Gulliver's position is enhanced even further when he leads his new friends in a daring battle against their longtime enemies. But when Gulliver loses it all and puts the Lilliputians in peril, he must find a way to undo the damage. Gulliver only becomes a true giant among men when he learns that its how big you are on the inside that counts.
...from :

Once again, for those who have yet to watch this movie, it will make your day much better.... :)

p/s: Gulliver's Travels 2010 different from the old version of Gulliver's Travels


Saturday, October 9, 2010

Maher Zain. New era.

Insha Allah - Maher Zain

Knowing the existence of this artist, the light of peace can be spread to a new era or ways which may bring more positiveness in this world

Looking through all the video and music available by Maher Zain, an element of peace can be learn and adapt in life and soul...

Share your time to listen to this music and spread the peace throughout the world.


Semangat Jiran Blok 41

Jamuan yang meriah

Kekecohan mendapat cabutan bertuah

Makanan yang sedap dan habis

Sukaneka kanak-kanak

Terima cabutan bertuah rumah 606


Walaupun hidup dalam keadaan yang pelbagai kaum dan tiada talian persaudaraan, namun Blok 41 tetap menjalankan aktiviti kejiranan iaitu OPEN HOUSE RAYA yang diadakan setiap tahun..

Pada tahun ini, terdapat jamuan raya seperti satay, soto, nasi goreng, rendang, kuih batik, buah-buahan dan banyak lagi.. Semua hidangan adalah sangat menyelerakan...

Terdapat pelbagai aktiviti seperti jamuan makan, cabutan bertuah, karaoke, bintang kecil, sukaneka kanak-kanak, dan pelbagai lagi yang telah mengeratkan lagi hubungan silaturahim di antara penduduk blok 41.

Aktiviti seperti ini harus kerap dijalankan supaya dapat mengeratkan lagi hubungan dan membantu setiap penduduk jika menghadapi masalah....

Antara rumah yang bertuah adalah rumah 606 iaitu rumah 'saya' dan keadaan menjadi meriah apabila 'kami' menunjukkan keseronokan 'kami' menjadi antara rumah yang bertuah.

Semangat Jiran Blok 41 harus dicontohi kepada semua kawan flat supaya mengeratkan silaturahim dan juga meningkatkan keselamatan jika berlaku sebarang masalah pada masa akan datang.


Sunday, August 29, 2010

Publishing talk... talk talk talk....


En. Uthaya Sankar as moderator.. Nicely done!!

The Four panels present their own field and topic for only 15-20 minutes... WHAT??!! 15-20 minutes??!! You think about it...

Panels (En Aimann Faiz, En Mohd Afif Azman, En Sayed Munawar, En Faiz Al-Shahab)

EMPTY SEATS??!!! Just going for prayer...

Some of the member or staff of the Event management

While singing the National Anthem and also UiTM Song

List of VIP and the Moderator.

Watching Animation Before 'Talk' begins...

Goodies and Lucky Draw


Budak2 MassComm Melaka

Images Images Images... and also a video but i wrongly positioned my phone-camera. But this is all i got...

Publishing Talk, on the 26 August 2010. Those who came, GOOD for you.. Those who did not come(which i knew some of them..), here are some of what you guys missed.

Supposedly, this 'talk' should be about entrepreneurship and career talk, but what i get from this talk? hmm...

Maybe others can get some information but i can only get a few info because some of the panels talk slowly, while other seem too fast to be able to catch up as if they are talking for themselves.

For those who gets the 'talk', good for you guys... There was an advice from Mr Syed, if you want to involve in MARKETING or world of business, a must to read 'Man From Mars, Women from Venus' book.. look for it if you are interested...

For those who did not come for this talk, it is not GOOD for your record, but GREAT for you to be able to do better things than sit around, listening to so called 'talk' and capturing pictures and also FREE magazine, food and drinks for 'berbuka puasa'.

This are the video but not so good quality but just browse for the info...


Friday, August 27, 2010

Raya Shortcut? Money money money....

Ish3... Raya is coming but during Fasting month there are people which taking the advantage and also doing so called 'to help people'

Money makes people desperate and willing do anything for money. This make others take of such desperation into their own benefit

Look at the image and see our point of view...


Wednesday, August 11, 2010

What do you see?

What do you see in this image?

I got this image outside the toilet at Jusco Sec.7, Shah Alam , near highway.

Your thinking is your perception and creative of your own world.
Some may think differently because of their ways of being raise, their influences in life and also the restrain of childhood life...


What about you?


Tuesday, August 10, 2010

FSSR Unit Pencetakan Visit. by FKPM of Pub. 3C

11/8/2010 A Visit To The FSSR Fac.

What a day...

The visit only took about an hour but things i saw was interesting. The machine that claimed by the FSSR for about RM5mil. machine was a big a useful machine.

Amazing when knowing that the use of the machine is not only for the FSSR fac. but also for all other students and UiTM.

Few information got by the people in charge of the department such as a simple info of 128gsm in the max of paper which used for printing of paper categories. The most thin is 50gsm.

Some of the machine that worth millions are the cutting, the printing so called 'hypermaster' or something like that which sounds awesome...

Back to reality, such machine can really give a long term advantage thou it is rather expensive (RM millions.....!!) and helpful too.

As for the people who visit with me, some are interested while other seems to see things in they own point of views.

Anyways, that is all.


Monday, August 9, 2010

Avatar The Last AirBender Movie? Need my point of view?

What is wrong with this movie? Seems very disappointing as other Asia movie which turn to Hollywood such as DragonBall....

This graphic is OK.. but the Character and the Storyline obviously extremely need to be look in to...

the Storyline is absolutely off! for people who does not watch the cartoon version of this movie may watch it peacefully but as for people others who watch the cartoon such as my self and friends, this movie destroy our expectation of the movie..

the Storyline is so jumpy and skipping too much making it so .... (speechless)...

for me, I give this movie a 3 star.. unlike my friends which give only 2 star... (being a bit generous)...

the director is among the best but the movie seems rather disappointing..


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Sukan Antara Fakulti (SAF) - Warriors of Masscom

UiTM Shah Alam, SAF telah berlangsung sejak seminggu atau lebih, namun, adakah fakulti massa memperolehi apa pingat atau kemenangan?

Setelah beberapa hari saya pergi memerhati pertandingan SAF, semangat sukan para peserta dari fakulti masscom amat mengagumkan namun sebaliknya bagi penyokong fakulti masscom.

Tidak ramai yang datang untuk menyokong fakulti sedangkan peserta sanggup meluangkan sedikit masa dan banyak tenaga untuk fakulti. Hanya sedikit, termasuk saya, yang rela meluangkan masa untuk turun padang dan menyokong fakulti Masscom.

Kenapa ramai yang tidak turun menyokong sedangkan kita adalah satu fakulti? bak kata Nabil RajaLawak, 'lu pikirlah sendiri' ....

Walaubagaimanapun, saya berpuas hati dan kagum dengan mereka yang menyertai SAF dan berusaha untuk menang demi fakulti.

They are the 'Warriors of Masscom'...


Monday, January 18, 2010

Talk? Dont talk?

bla bla bla bla

People talk everyday...
Cant they just shut up for a day?
I hate people talking so much...
We live not to talk but to do something. Talking doesnt take us anyway

I hate people that talk so much yet achieve nothing
Yes, we must talk to communicate but people i prefer talk when nessecary
This means that only talk if want to ask something or answering question
We dont realy need to tell story or share something of ourself towards other

People simply does not interested in our life
They prefer to concentrate on their own life and story
Our talking and stories simply just annoys others
That is why i hate people who talks a lot in their life.
