Wednesday, December 29, 2010


-Malaysia Coach K. Rajagopal in light blue shirt


TAHNIAH kepada Squad Malaysia yang telah menjuarai AFF SUZUKI CUP!

Satu sejarah baru tercipta pada 29/12/2010 memberi semangat baru pada tahun akan datang, 2011!

Ternyata kemenangan berbelah kepada pihak Malaysia apabila Malaysia menang 3 - 0 bertarung dengan Indonesia dalam AFF SUZUKI CUP..

Walaupun pacaran laser yang dikatakan menjadi punca kemenangan Malaysia namun itu hanya satu alasan untuk tidak menerima kenyataan.

Seluruh kedai di Section 7, Shah Alam yang menyiarkan siaran langsung perlawanan akhir AFF SUZUKI CUP dipenuhi penyokong Squad Malaysia yang walaupun tidak dapat hadir ke Indonesia namun tetap memberi sokongan dan semangat yang rancak dan lantang.
(sebagai gambaran lihat link ini, )

Kemasukan Squad Malaysia dengan menggunakan kereta kebal terserlah menunjukkan sebab mengapa tiada rakyat Malaysia yang mementingkan keharmonian hadir di stadium tersebut. Tidak lah seperti ketika perlawanan di Malaysia yang bukan sahaja membenarkan penyokong Indonesia untuk datang menyokong malah ada yang mewujudkan insiden LASER daripada kedua-dua pihak(khabar angin) yang langsung tidak mengancam keselamatan...

Namun, kekalahan Malaysia dengan satu berbalas dua oleh Indonesia tidak menjejaskan kepastian bahawa Malaysia telah pun menjuarai AFF SUZUKI CUP.

TAHNIAH kepada Squad MALAYSIA dan juga JUTAAN terima kasih kepada Coach Squad Malaysia, K. RAJAGOPAL yang menrealisasikan kemenangan MALAYSIA serta tidak lupa kepada semua penyokong MALAYSIA.



Saturday, December 25, 2010

Are you GAMERs?

Are you a gamer? If you are and you have a NOKIA 5300 handphone, try beating my hp for its 400+ games of only 1GB memory card.. haha.. beat that! Gamers...

One way of having such games in your handphone is through downloading it freely at

Other phone are also available... but be aware that not all software are safe... so if you are a gamer, you should know and BEAT my record...


Have you watch - Gulliver's Travels ,2010

One of the most funniest movie I have ever seen yet in my life...
For those who have not yet watch this movie, go out buy your ticket now or you can also buy DVD "do buy original, ok? " because believe me when I say the it is a MUST WATCH movie of 2010...

The star and also a funniest guy in this movie is Jack Black as Lemuel Gulliver which also later I think will be the MUST WATCH movie of 2011 which is KUNGFU PANDA 2...

I can't wait for KUNGFU PANDA 2 to be out...

Anyway, back to Gulliver's Travels, the storyline of this movie are,

Lemuel Gulliver is a mailroom clerk at a New York newspaper. After Gulliver bluffs his way into an assignment writing about the secrets of the Bermuda Triangle, he is hurtled to an undiscovered land, Lilliput. In this fantastical new world, Gulliver is a bigger-than-life figure -- in size and ego -- especially after he starts telling tall tales, taking credit for his world's greatest inventions, and placing himself at the center of its most historic events. Gulliver's position is enhanced even further when he leads his new friends in a daring battle against their longtime enemies. But when Gulliver loses it all and puts the Lilliputians in peril, he must find a way to undo the damage. Gulliver only becomes a true giant among men when he learns that its how big you are on the inside that counts.
...from :

Once again, for those who have yet to watch this movie, it will make your day much better.... :)

p/s: Gulliver's Travels 2010 different from the old version of Gulliver's Travels
